Tuesday 26 December 2017

Jean Grey - Nightmare fuel - Volume 1 (Dennis Hopeless)

I was quite excited when Marvel were introducing new Marvel titles featuring the original five X-Men who were brought to the future by present Beast a few years ago.
I followed their arrival for quite a few months but then got bored by the storylines and stopped reading X-Men comics.

When I heard original Jean Grey was getting her own comic series - I wasn't jumping at the chance to read it when it came out as comic but thought I would try the graphic novel.

Jean Grey has never been my favourite member of the X-Men, she's not in the top 5. To be honest I find her quite annoying, in the comics, original animated series and films. Also I found at this week that Marvel had cancelled the Jean Grey comic series, so I was reluctant to invest time in a series that has cancelled.

However Jean Grey - Nightmare Fuel surprised me.  Mainly because I found myself liking Jean Grey for the first time. The main plot of the graphic novel is that Jean Grey has a premonition about the Phoenix Force**coming back.

No one seems to believe her that it's coming back so she decides to track down previous Phoneix hosts and Psylocke, Doctor Strange to get some answers.

I enjoyed most of the interactions between young Jean Grey and the Phoneix hosts, however I found the pages where she talked to Namor quite slow and frustrating.
I particularly enjoyed the new infant character they call Pickle who seems to be the same species as Nightcrawler who spends all his time eating so he has the energy to teleport.

Gradually page by page I started to feel sorry for Jean Grey as she has only heard stories of adult Jean Grey and the Phoneix Force, she hasn't lived it like everyone else. Her premonition makes her feel her fate is sealed, however she is going to do her best to avoid it.

**For those who don't know the Phoneix Force is the origin of all psionic energy and the Guardian of Creation. It has the power to cut and regrow any part of the universe or destroy it completely. It has taken host of various X-Men characters over the years, most famously the adult Jean Grey.

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